Show Details
The Isabel Bader
in The Lobby
The Tett Centre for Creativity & Learning
in the Malting Tower - Rehearsal Hall - The Gallery
Market Date:
Saturday, May 10th, 2025 | 10am - 4pm
Booth Details:
Due to the nature of the space, booth size & shape does vary slightly depending on where you are in the floor plan. All booths are a minimum of 6' wide x 5' deep. Unfortunately we are not able to guarantee specific locations in the room.
Cancellations & Refunds
From the time of payment, refunds will be subject to a $25 administrative fee.
Less than 30 days before an event, refunds will be subject to a $50 administrative fee.
Less than 2 weeks before an event, a refund will only be issued if we can secure a replacement vendor to take your space. If a replacement is found, your refund will still be subject to the $50 administrative fee.