Show Details


The Isabel Bader
in The Lobby

The Tett Centre for Creativity & Learning
in the Malting Tower - Rehearsal Hall - The Gallery

Market Date:

Saturday, May 10th, 2025 | 10am - 4pm

Booth Details:

Due to the nature of the space, booth size & shape does vary slightly depending on where you are in the floor plan. All booths are a minimum of 6' wide x 5' deep. Unfortunately we are not able to guarantee specific locations in the room.

Cancellations & Refunds

From the time of payment, refunds will be subject to a $25 administrative fee.

Less than 30 days before an event, refunds will be subject to a $50 administrative fee.

Less than 2 weeks before an event, a refund will only be issued if we can secure a replacement vendor to take your space. If a replacement is found, your refund will still be subject to the $50 administrative fee.

Liability Waiver - Vendor Agreement & Code of Conduct

Please complete the following form prior to participation in the Kingston Holiday Market.
The Liability Waiver - Vendor Agreement & Code of Conduct Form.

Public Health [Food & Beverage Vendors]

If you are selling any food or drinks, you will need to submit an application through Public Health. This must be completed at least 14 days before the event.

Social Media


1. Please tag us @kingstonartistevents when you have work in progress / sneak peeks etc. When you tag us in your posts, we are sure to see it and can then reshare in our stories!

2. If you want us to share specific products that are for the market, please direct message them on Instagram & Vanessa will share as your turn comes up. We are following a schedule to ensure everyone is shared equally (excluding resharing tagged content, which we do as it comes up when relevant).

3. VIDEOS: If you'd like to send Vanessa short [~10seconds] clips of you creating/ you working on your products via instagram, she will be featuring these clips in reels to help promote the event.

4.REELS - collaborate!:If you are posting a reel and would like to invite us to collaborate so that it shows up on both of our pages, please do! We will accept at least one reel collaboration per artist.


Here is the link to the Facebook event to share:

Click here to see the event!

Vanessa has added everyone she could find as co-hosts to the Facebook event. If you did not get an invite, and want to be listed as a co-host on the event, please message Vanessa directly on Instagram (Kingston Artist Events) or Facebook and she will add you.



We often use gift cards as prizes for our giveaways. If you receive a gift card as payment while you are at the market, here's how it works!

  1. Write your business name on the back of the gift card with the total spent by the gift card holder.
  2. The card holder will return the gift card to Kate or Vanessa before they leave the market.
  3. You will receive reimbursement by e-transfer, typically on the Sunday evening after the market.


If you want any postcards to give out (at work, to family & friends, other events) we will have lots! Just send us an email and we can coordinate getting some to you.

Floor Plans

Floor plans will be released by Monday, April 28th. Please check back!

Loading Zone Time-Slot Sign-Ups

SIGN-UP | Please make sure to select your morning time slot once the form is available for your market weekend.


  • Sign up for one time slot only.
  • Once you have selected a time slot, please consider this confirmation of your loading time slot and make sure to arrive on time.
  • Unload your supplies in the front lobby where a KHM staff member will be present to watch your belongings.
  • Do not move your things to your assigned room until your vehicle has been moved from the temporary parking spots.

ARRIVAL TIME | Please make sure to arrive as close to the start time of your time slot as possible. You will have until the end of your time slot to unload your items and then you will be asked to move your vehicle.

IF YOU ARE LATE | If you are going to be late - please do not email us as we will not see it or be able to respond - just line up in the waiting zone (see below) when you arrive and come talk to a KHM staff member. We will help find a solution for you. Easy peasy. :)

Tett Centre - Loading Zone Info

Isabel Bader - Loading Zone Info

Vendor Parking During The Show

After you have unloaded all of your items - when you move your vehicle, please consider utilizing the street parking to leave space open in the parking lot for the shoppers!

Notes on vendor parking:

  • It is highly encouraged to utilize off-site parking. This leaves the more convenient spaces in the parking lot for guests of the market.
  • That said, we trust that all vendors will make decisions about parking that are right for them - so we will not be monitoring where everyone is parking during the day.
  • We encourage you to pay close attention to where you are parking as bylaw officers frequent the Tett Centre and ticket and tow anyone parking illegally.

Unloading & Tear Down

  • During Sunday evening's tear down - we will be limited to the 4 spots in the loading zone (no spaces available in the accessible lot).
  • Please fully take down/ pack up your booth and confirm that you are ready for loading with a KHM staff member before moving your vehicle. 
  • KHM staff will add your name to the approved loading zone list.
  • We will be managing traffic in the loading zone and the expectation is that vehicles spend no longer than 10 minutes in the loading zone.
  • When you are ready to load your vehicle, please line up in the waiting zone (pictured above) and you will be ushered  into the loading zone when a space becomes available.
  • DO NOT leave your vehicle unattended while you are in the loading zone.

Juniper Cafe Pre-Order